• Booking requires a £50 non refundable Deposit with balance payable by cash on arrival.
• Reschedules/cancellations can be made up to 7 days prior, inside 7 days full fee is payable, No shows will have membership cancelled with no refunds given.
• Members card required, NO card – NO fishing.
• Hilltop bookings permit 2 anglers or 1 angler + 1 guest, (NO visitors, NO exceptions).
• Fishing on Tees Valley Lakes by MEMBERS only, Visitors are NOT permitted at any time, One non fishing guest ticket permitted per session booked in advance (see ticket prices) or authorised by management (this includes Children, No exceptions) This is to ensure anglers are not disturbed and the fishery is secure at all times.
• 24hr Tickets run 10.10am to 10am, Access from 10.10am when gate code text is received, LEAVING ANGLERS MUST BE OFF LAKE BY 10AM
Day Tickets run 10.10am to 9pm, Access from 10.10am when gate code text is received, LEAVING ANGLERS MUST BE OFF LAKE BY 9PM
• Landing nets, unhooking mats, weigh slings & buckets provided MUST be used only. DO NOT bring your own nets, slings mats or buckets into the fishery.
• BARBLESS hooks only, NO crushed barbs, NO bent hooks,
(We believe the use of BARBLESS hooks creates the safest of rigs as the carp can shed the hook in event of a line break, Therefor Leaders are permitted on our venue.)
• Maximum of 3 rods to be used, Rods must NOT be left unattended, Minimum 2.75lb test curve, Minimum (15lb) mainline & hook link, Alarms and Bobbins MUST be used, NO braided mainline.
• ALL members MUST carry and use PROPOLIS carp treatment, Treat ALL hook holds and ANY skin/scale damage to the carp. (Be sure propolis DOES NOT go into the eyes or gill covers) Propolis is available at TV tackle shop/ to order online.
• BOILIE & PELLET ONLY March to October, November to February other bait permitted include, Particles, Maggots, Worm, (particles include- hemp, sweet corn, beans, peas, seeds and pulses) NO nuts of any type at anytime.
• Return carp back to the water as soon as possible, ensure all mats, weighing equipment and camera etc. are set up BEFORE lifting carp from the water, No retaining of fish under any circumstance.
• NO Zigs or Artificial Baits (inc Plastic, Rubber & Foam) Surface fishing is permitted with minimum 15lb hook link, (no artificial baits) NO Magic Twig or any other proclaimed self hooking device.
• NO fixed leads. (running or semi fixed leads only – ensure leads detach easily) leaders to mainline (loop to loop or Knots only)
• NO litter including cigarette butt ends, TAKE ALL RUBBISH HOME and leave swims as clean as you found them.
• NO camping equipment, Recognized Carp bivvies’ or brollies ONLY.
• NO dogs, guns, fires, swimming, loud music or excessive noise, Alcohol to be consumed in moderation.
• NO fish to be removed or introduced to the water.
• Bait boats may be used (please consider all other anglers and remain in the boundary of your swim). NO drones.
• Fish in a gentlemanly manner and do not encroach on areas of water that should rightly be fished from another swim.
• Juniors 17 years and under MUST have an adult (18 years+) with them at ALL times.
• Dropping off and pick up, Members can be dropped off or picked up from the car parks by a third party who MUST remain in the confines of the car park, NO walking around the lakes.
• Management reserve the right to withdraw or suspend membership at their discretion, Any member who has their membership withdrawn will be expected to leave the premises immediately, memberships and tickets are not transferable and NO refunds will be given, All decisions made by management are final and not subject to appeal.
• All members fishing at this venue do so at their own risk, We cannot be held responsible for any accident and/or injury to anglers or their possessions, however caused whilst on the premises, It is the angler’s responsibility to ensure they are protected and are aware of the dangers of fishing before entering the fishery.
• These are common sense rules to ensure the safety of our carp and the future of our fishery, please abide by them; anyone breaking the rules will receive an instant Ban from the fishery with NO refunds and be expected to leave the fishery immediately.

Abouts Us
Providing quality carp & coarse fishing from well maintained venues managed to a high standard.
The finest quality strain of English carp consisting of Leney, Sutton, Dinkesbuehl & Harrow strains
Protected 24/7 by electric otter proof fencing and electronic automated entrance gates ensure our stock, wildlife and anglers are protected creating an excellent fishing environment allowing you to fish in peace whilst undisturbed in beautiful countryside surroundings.
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Tees Valley Lakes
A67, Eaglescliffe, TS16 0QD
Contact 8am to 6pm