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Data Retention policy

This policy sets out what information SA Carp Fisheries holds, how long we hold it for and when it will be deleted. It also covers the procedure to follow regarding data requests.

  • Information held by us. 

  • How long is personal data held for?. 

  • Where is personal data held?. 

  • How is personal data deleted?. 

  • Access to personal information, correction and deletion. 

Information held by us. We hold personal information about: Clients Former clients and prospective clients Employees Job applicants We also hold information about financial transactions relating to these eg services provided, products bought, payroll information.

How long is personal data held for?. We aim not to hold personal data longer than necessary. Unless requested by an individual, the following types of data will be held for the periods shown below, after which it will be securely deleted or destroyed:
Client membership details...12 months from termination of membership received from client 
Client general records...12 months
Financial transactions, invoices and supplier details...6 years
Employee records, contracts of employment, changes to terms and conditions, annual leave, training records...While employment continues and up to 6 years after employment ends
Payroll and wage records including PAYE, income tax, national insurance, sick pay, redundancy payments...6 years from the financial year-end in which payments were made
Maternity records...3 years after the end of the tax year in which the maternity pay period ends
Job applications (unsuccessful)...4 months after notifying unsuccessful candidates
Emails...One year from the end of the month in which they were received or sent unless a longer period is relevant as above. Emails to and from ex-employees or contractors will be deleted within 2 weeks of them leaving unless these form part of the employment record – see above.

Where is personal data held?. Personal data about clients, financial transactions and employees are held on our secure software system which is backed up every day or held in secure electronic files electronically which can be accessed only by fishery managers. 

How is personal data deleted? Personal data is permanently deleted in accordance with the retention periods listed above from:
Software system
Electronic files 
Paper records, which are securely shredded. 

See our privacy notice Privacy Policy
All requests for access to personal information will be handled by Business Manager. Responses to requests will be made within 30 days. All information relating to the individual will be compiled into a report and collected from:
Software system
Financial transactions
Other electronic records
Paper records (where applicable)
Date completed 17th August 2021


Abouts Us

Providing quality carp & coarse fishing from well maintained venues managed to a high standard.

The finest quality strain of English carp consisting of Leney, Sutton, Dinkesbuehl & Harrow strains

Protected 24/7 by electric otter proof fencing and electronic automated entrance gates ensure our stock, wildlife and anglers are protected creating an excellent fishing environment allowing you to fish in peace whilst undisturbed in beautiful countryside surroundings.

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Data Retention Policy

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Tees Valley Lakes

  • A67, Eaglescliffe, TS16 0QD

  • 07980179585

  • Contact 8am to 6pm

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